Hydrated Lime Powder (2kg bag)

Hydrated Lime Powder (2kg bag)


$5.45 (incl. GST)


Purpose: The purpose of Hydrated Lime Powder is to adjust the pH levels of soil and control soil acidity.

Application: Hydrated Lime Powder can be applied by spreading it over the soil surface and then incorporating it into the soil with a tiller or other tool. It can also be applied as a liquid solution using a sprayer.

Compatibility: Hydrated Lime Powder is compatible with most fertilisers and pesticides, but it should not be mixed with ammonium fertilisers as this can cause ammonia gas to be released.

Suitability: Hydrated Lime Powder is suitable for use in a wide range of crops and soils, but it is particularly effective in soils that are highly acidic. It can also be used to improve the efficacy of other pesticides and fertilisers by adjusting soil pH levels.