NATURALGRO Organic Compost (1kg bag)

NATURALGRO Organic Compost (1kg bag)


$3.56 (incl. GST)

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100% natural for healthy plant growth

✓ Sustainable and Earth-Friendly
✓ Increase Water Storage Holding Capacity and Grow Plants with Less Water
✓ Add Organic Matters that Unblock Minerals to Keep Soil Fertile
✓ Improve Resistance to Disease and Pest
✓ Safe and Easy to Use
✓ Versatile for Use with Chemical and Water-Based Fertilizer

How to use naturalGRO Organic Compost?

1. Prepare The Soil

- Prior to using compost, prepare the soil by removing any weeds, rocks, or debris. Loosen the soil to allow for better nutrient and water absorption.

2. Apply Compost To The Soil

- Spread a layer of compost on top of the prepared soil. The recommended amount of compost to use depends on the type of plants you are growing. Generally, a 2cm layer of compost should be sufficient.

3. Mulching

- Adding a layer of mulch on top of the soil can help retain moisture and further improve the soil structure. Mulch also assists in preventing weed growth and maintaining a more stable soil temperature.

4. Regular Maintenance

- Throughout the growing season, monitor the moisture levels and make sure to water the plants as needed. Additionally, you may need to periodically add more compost to replenish nutrients in the soil.

Disclaimer: When using naturalGRO Organic Compost, its important to consider the specific needs of your plants and the growing conditions. Adjust the ratio of compost in mixture according to the requirements of the plants you are cultivating and the intended application.

- C organic- 12-19%
- C/N ratio- 10-25%
- pH - 5-8%
- PGPR - 10e8cell/gr