BABA Mr Ganick 532 Leafy Fertiliser (3kg bag)

BABA Mr Ganick 532 Leafy Fertiliser (3kg bag)


$15.26 (incl. GST)


Purpose: The purpose of BABA Mr Ganick 532 Leafy Fertiliser is to provide essential nutrients to leafy plants, helping them grow healthy and strong.

Application: This fertiliser is used as a soil drench or top dressing for leafy plants such as spinach, lettuce, and herbs. It can also be used for foliar applications.

Compatibility: BABA Mr Ganick 532 Leafy Fertiliser is compatible with most other fertilisers and pesticides. However, it is recommended to test compatibility before mixing with other products.

Suitability: This fertiliser is suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor environments. It is suitable for use on leafy plants such as lettuce, spinach, and herbs. However, it may not be suitable for use on plants that require a specific pH range or nutrient ratio.

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